Arguably the most interactive piece of technology - social media. However, it can be challenging to get it right when it comes to knowing how to implement a plan that speaks to your audience.
Our wonder team of social media specialists can build a social media strategy tailored to your goals, identifying the most relevant social media platforms and creating a content plan bespoke to you.
The services we provide include:
Social media strategy - defining the target audience, identifying the platforms and creating a comprehensive plan
Social media account management - managing profiles, bios, scheduling and publishing content on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook
Content creation - creating high quality and engaging content including image, video, text and other multimedia
Social media advertising - creating and managing paid social campaigns on social platforms
Social media community management - engaging with followers, responding to comments, answering queries and building a rapport with the audience
Social media analytics - tracking progress, providing insights and creating regular reports
Recent Successes
Over 50 London Marathon sign ups for one client
2-3 leads a day for a high-end but brand new gazebo company
Filling children’s holiday camps across the UK
Speak to the team
To speak with our friendly in-house team of Social Media team, give us a ring on 01993 835 432 or click the link below.